Kerbal Space Program 2 is the sequel of a well-received space travel simulator game, developed by Suad studio. The continuation is the result of work done by the new developer - Intercept Games. KSP 2 improves the original game mechanics, and enriches it with a number of totally new possibilities, like for example, establishing space colonies. It is worth mentioning that KSP 2 features an online cooperation mode, allowing players to play together with their friends. In comparison to the original game, the sequel will offer significantly better visuals thanks to the new engine supporting advanced graphic effects.
Gameplay mechanics
Similarly, like it was in the first game, Kerbal Space Program 2 gives players an opportunity to embark on space conquest. Our adventure starts with creating the rocket that will take us to space. The game features a huge number of available parts that players can use to build their own, unique space shuttle. Once again, our crew consists of funny little green creatures known as the Kerbals, who decided to travel through the galaxy looking for adventures, new resources, and technologies. The gameplay combines various genres including building, flying and exploring. After creating our spaceship, it's time for takeoff.
KSP 2 features various difficulty levels that will influence different gameplay elements such as flight simulation, building, etc. One of the biggest novelties in the game is the possibility of establishing advanced space colonies on new-found planets. Depending on the level of technological research, players can build a variety of building on the surface of new planets. For example, it is now possible to build a ground vehicle, that will significantly help Kerbals in the exploration of new worlds.
Additionally, Kerbal Space Program 2 will support co-op gameplay, which will certainly attract an even greater number of players. New, advanced technologies will allow us to embark on interstellar travels. Space is a huge, borderless place, and you will be able to feel it - developers have prepared a number of surprises for the most adventure-hungry travelers - an iron planet of Cherr, super-earth Ovin, and Rask and Rusk are but a few of interesting celestial bodies prepared by the developers. In addition to the official content of the game, KSP 2 will support mods, allowing players to create and share their own gameplay ideas with the rest of the community.
Memory: 8 GB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
CPU: Intel Core i3-2120
File Size: 7 GB
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
Memory: 16 GB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K
File Size: 10 GB
OS: Windows 10