Star Atlas is an upcoming open-world MMORPG based in the year 2620. In the distant future, three major factions have emerged: (1) the MUD Territory governed by humankind, (2) the ONI Region governed by a consortium of alien races, and (3) the Ustur Sector controlled by sentient androids. These factions are in an ongoing struggle for resources, territorial conquest, and political domination. You, a faction citizen of Star Atlas, will have the ability to influence the outcome of this intergalactic conflict while creating the opportunity to earn rewards for your contributions.
Our philosophy is to truly give ‘Power to the People’ by creating a fully immersive MMO gaming and metaverse experience which:
State of the game
Star Atlas is currently in development and will be released iteratively through game modules in both web and Unreal Engine 5 which allows the game to continuously expand while the community immerses themselves in the Star Atlas gaming and co-creation experience. The first of the Unreal Engine 5 game modules is the Showroom.
Latest Update - Pre-Season (R2)
The current stage of Showroom is a closed, pre-alpha testing version set at Volant Station. Players can control several different characters to explore an extended landscape and a ground race track by walking or flying around in 6 vehicles/ships.
You will be able to race against time in one of the 6 currently flyable ships on the Volant Station Showroom race track.
Memory: 8 GB
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7850
CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K
File Size: 23 GB
OS: originally released for Windows 7, the game can be played on Windows 10 and Windows 11 OS
Memory: 8 GB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
CPU: Intel Core i5-4590
File Size: 23 GB
OS: originally released for Windows 7, the game can be played on Windows 10 and Windows 11 OS